What’s New!
Scholarship Winner ι
Loans ι
For Sale ι
Mobile App ι
Protect Yourself Online ι
School Program ι
ID Theft ι
Rate Matching ι
Share Insurance ι
ID Protection ι
Overdraft Privilege ι
Money Management ι
Debit/Credit Card Fraud ι
eStatements ι
Contact Information ι
Credit Card Access ι
Check Fraud
Lakeside Credit Union Announces 2024 Scholarship Winner
Lakeside Credit Union is pleased to congratulate the winner of our Excellence Scholarship Award,
Chailyn Soule.
Chailyn is a graduate of McEwen High School.
She is the daughter of Kerry and Tanya Soule of McEwen, TN. Grandparents are Naomi Tummins of McEwen, TN.
Chailyn is attending Belmont University in the fall where she plans to major in Nursing.
Lakeside's Scholarship Program is available to every senior in Humphrey’s County, Benton County, and Dickson County as well as seniors who are Lakeside Credit Union members.
Now Financing Boats, RVs and Campers up to 120 Months for Qualifying Members.
See Loan Rates
For Sale
2021 Buick Encore
Mileage: 23,554
Taking Offers
See Bonnie at Hwy 70 Office for more information
Mobile App
Lakeside Credit Union has a free app that is available in the app store and works with
Apple and
Android platforms as well as all tablet platforms. The mobile app provides links to current rates, branch locations and directions, Mobile-Home Banking, Bill Pay and more. Push notifications associated with the app allow you to get important news messages from the credit union. The app can be downloaded for free in your phones app store or by using the links below.
Protect Yourself Online
For more information on how to protect yourself online please visit
https://www.fcc.gov/guides/how-protect-yourself-online. You will find useful information on how to protect yourself while you are online.
Saving with Mandy and Randy
Lakeside Employees CU is sponsoring a 31 page booklet for all Second Graders in Humphreys County. Saving with Mandy and Randy was designed as a supplement that easily integrates into the core curriculum that primary teachers cover. It addresses students' competency in mathematics, economics, civics, and language arts. With this curriculum program, second grade students use the workbook provided to learn vocabulary words that are related to saving. The workbook also offers practice activities for students including coin identification, counting, adding and subtracting cents and dollars, the difference between wants and needs, the importance of saving including using saving accounts and completing a deposit ticket for a saving account. By sponsoring the program, we are reaching our children at impressionable ages. If we can help them learn good money habits right from the start and raise their level of financial responsibility, it will pay big dividends for them and the community alike.
What is Identity Theft?
Identity theft is a crime in which an imposter gains access to another’s personal information, such as Social security or credit card numbers, and uses them for personal gain. It might be the result of a stolen purse, stolen mail, Documents taken from trash, a data breach just like the one that happen at Target, computer virus, or telephone scam. For a small fee of $1.95 everybody in your household could be covered, that’s the cost of a family pizza over a year’s time. The$1.95 comes directly out of your checking account, contact the Credit Union today and make sure your Identity is protected.
Interest Rate Matching
Ask about our Interest Rate Matching. Bring in proof with the Interest rate and Terms that that company will give you with a signature and we can match it on all loans for qualifying Members.
Notice of Expirations of the Temporary Full NCUSIF Share Insurance Coverage for Noninterest-Bearing Transaction Accounts
By operation of federal law, beginning January 1, 2013, funds deposited in a non-interest-bearing transaction account (including an Interest on Lawyer Trust Account) no longer will receive unlimited share insurance coverage by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). Beginning January 1, 2013, all of a member’s accounts at an insured depository institution, including all non-interest-bearing transaction accounts, will be insured by the NCUSIF up to the standard maximum share insurance amount ($250,000), for each share insurance ownership category. For more information about NCUA share insurance coverage of non-interest bearing transaction accounts, visit www.ncua.gov.
ID Protection
Click to learn more about
ID Protection and how you can protect your family.
Overdraft Privilege
Overdraft Privilege helps protect you against having your items returned in the event of an inadvertent overdraft of your account by giving you a reserve for emergencies or unexpected situations. Please see the PDF documents below for more information
Seven Steps to Better Money Management
Click to read
WARNING: Do not give out your debit/credit card numbers to anyone!!!!
NOTICE: In order to protect you from fraud, you may receive a phone call from Visa company (Fidelity/Falcon). Fidelity/Falcom may ask you to verify some recent purchases that you may have made. Fidelity will never ask you for your account numbers.
They already have them on file. But, in order to identify you as the cardholder, they may ask to verify the last four digits of your social security number. If you are not comfortable giving out this information, please ask them if you can verify your address instead. In order to help us protect you from fraud and identity theft, please contact the credit union if you feel that you have given out vital information to anyone about your accounts.
Sign up now for Free eStatements and received your monthly or quarterly statements online through Home Banking!
Sign on your home banking under additional services you will see eStatements click on it and follow the directions. Once you sign up for this you will no longer receive monthly or quarterly statements by mail.
Please make sure your e-mail address is correct before signing up.
Update Contact Information
We value your membership very much and would like to be able to contact you about new products and services that we will be offering in the future. Please remember to keep us informed of any changes in your status such as address, phone, employment, etc…. Check out our downloadable status change form to make this process more convenient for you.
Online Credit Card Account Access
Did you know that you can view your credit card account from this website!
Protect your checks from fraud!
At Lakeside Credit Union we take every precaution to protect your account and your checks from fraud. Your checks are printed on paper with embedded security features to protect them against alteration and counterfeiting, and precautions are taken in the handling and delivery of your checks.
You can make a difference. Take action to prevent criminals from getting their hands on your checks and to safeguard your check’s integrity:
- Make the post office box your choice for outgoing mail, rather than your home mailbox.
- Treat your deposit slip as if it were a check. Remember, your account number is printed on deposit slips.
- Check your statements carefully against your check register. Duplicate checks may prove helpful by providing you with a record of every check you write.
- Avoid writing checks with pencil or erasable ink.
- Print, don’t sign, your name when writing your return address on envelopes. A signature on the envelope can be copied and forged.
- Report lost or stolen checks and lost or stolen debit cards immediately.
- Don’t give your account number over the phone to anyone you don’t know.
- Don’t include your driver’s license number or Social Security number on your checks.
- Don’t write your credit card number on your check.
- Don’t leave large, blank spaces in the check box or the amount line. Start the written dollar amounts as far to the left as possible. Draw a line between the cents value and the right side of the dollar line.